Our programs are for players that live in or attend school in Robbinsdale school district.
If you are from a different location, please contact us to obtain a non-community waiver.
To choose the program your player is eligible to play, find their birth date in the date ranges below.
age level |
Date of Birth From |
date of birth to |
2024/25 grade level |
8U PROGRAM | 9/1/2016 | 8/31/2017 | 1ST OR 2ND |
10U PROGRAM | 9/1/2014 | 8/31/2016 | 3RD OR 4TH |
12U PROGRAM | 9/1/2012 | 8/31/2014 | 5TH OR 6TH |
14U PROGRAM | 9/1/2010 | 8/31/2012 | 7TH OR 8TH |
This year will be a combined spring/summer league. Not all dates have been finalized.
Practices and games will be held up to 3 days a week (10U) or 4 days a week (12U/14U), any day of the week, including weekends.
Two weekend tournaments:
Register before Tuesday, Feb 15 and get $25 off the Spring season and $50 off Spring/Summer combo season fees listed below.
Practices and games will be up to 3 days a week (10U) or 4 days a week (12U/14U), Monday-Thursday. Summer lacrosse is a
family-friendly sport, only one tournament involves weekend play.